Bild av Jenny Damm

Jenny Damm

R.I.P – Ina


I don’t even know how to start this blog. It’s so unreal, feels like a nightmare we can’t wake up from. Last night our princess Ina suddenly left us. Nettan called me in the middle of the night and told me the chocking thruth that Ina died in her and Niklas’ arms. We don’t even know exactly what happened and not even the necropsy gave us any answers. We’re still waiting on some test results, but so far the only thing we know is that she had a severe infection. It’s all so strange and it all began with a pulled muscle when she was doing some tricks. Then probably her stomach reacted on the anti-inflammatory medicine and then she got several diffuse symptoms and several vets and clinics tried to help and figure out what was wrong. She was treated and got better and then some symptoms came back. Nettan went to a bigger clinic Saturday and she was there to get intravenous therapy and they did new tests. Nothing but an infection seemed to be wrong. She got better and they decided to bring her home and get back to the clinic when the cardiologist was back after the weekend. But he never got the chance to examinate her. Last night she jumped in to Nettans bed, pushed herself close to Nettan’s side, took some last breaths and then she was gone… I think we have not realized yet, that Ina has left us. She was not old, she was supposed to live many more years. She was running so good at Norwegian Open this last Nowember, not even two months ago. She was supposed to enjoy life with agility and all other things she liked to do, several more years. Nettan with her family and I have lost three of our dogs in less than five months. And Ina was the reason why we started our teamwork, Ina was the beginning or team Jenny & Nettan. Now she’s gone, many years too soon. The strange thing is that her dad, my Elvis, always followed eachother, whatever they were doing and they were very much like eachother. So I’m thinking they wanted to be together. Life is unpredictable. Life is not fair. That’s for sure. 

And my thoughts are with Nettan and her family. Wish I could give them Ina back.

Well… as I didn’t know how to start this blog I don’t know how to finish it… I will just post some memorable photos of this fantastic dog, and let the pictures speak. Try to think of everything we have experienced together. 


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Me, Nettan and Ina winning Team Gold in Rieden, 2010
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Ina and her team mates on the top of the podium at FCI Agility World Championship


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Brilliant Ina and I celebrate e perfect run, Norwegian open 2015. Just a few months ago…
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Ina in action, she had always something to say. Especially when I tried to do a front cross….
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Beautiful Ina with her princess collar. As her father Elvis, she always had to watch agility with something in her mouth. 
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Ina – always giving everything
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Ina and me on the other side of the Atlantic ocean. Ina successful as always.
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Our black beauty
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Ina – the talented sheepdog