Products from Aptus

We use a number of Aptus products , such as Recovery Booster (formerly Pro Sport), Sport X , Glycoflex , Shampoo , Attapektin , Sentrix wound spray , etc. We have some of the products at home for sale and I can also take home additional products if something is desired.

Aptus Recovery Booster (formerly Pro Sport) is recommended for hard-working dogs who need a concentrated supplement of nutrition and energy. We use it regularly, together with Sport X, in both training and competition. In this way, we ensure that our dogs always get fluids and energy to be able to recover quickly and always perform at the top. 

The recovery paste contains amino acids, fatty acids (omega 3,6 and 9) and maltodextrin. The paste is formulated to provide the body with these important nutrients for the dog to recover well during exertion.

Aptus Sport X is a sports drink in powder form that provides fast energy!

Aptus Sport X contains glucose and maltodextrin to give the dog energy, as well as electrolytes that help maintain fluid balance in the body.


* Priser gällande fr.o.m. 20220201 (inkl. moms):

  • Aptus Recovery Booster – 115kr
  • Aptus SportX pulver låda – 180kr 
  • Glykoflex 465kr
  • Glykoflex mini 240kr

We usually have these products in stock at home. Let us know if you are interested in additional products or if you have any questions.

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Zig-zag weaves- not available at the moment

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Video analysis

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