Bild av Jenny Damm

Jenny Damm

Happy Halloween, Trial etc.

Our North American tour is a loong one this year. During six weeks we travel around and visit eight different dog training centers in Canada and US. There is now one more week to go and we have a great tour, me and Lilli! I have seminars every day, but if it has been a really long drive or when we had a flight between the places I have had "a day off". I wondered how I would manage this marathon tour with seminars, I try to go to bed early and take many walks with Lilli and that keeps up my energy! But I was a bit worried in the beginning. After about a week here I felt dizzy, couldn't focus with my eyes and I didn't find the words. It was a bit scary and I have never felt anything like that before. So at my forth place that was was planned to start with a trial I decided to cancel the first trial day and take a day off. Since then I have been fine, so I think that was a good idea! Me and Lilli had a day for our selves and we spend it with hours of hiking at Valley Forge National Historical Park. 

Lilli at Valley Forge National Historical Park. 

Lilli posing on the canon

The American soliders lived in these small cabins during the American Revolutionary war taking place December 19, 1777 to June 19, 1778

Another small cabin, with Lilli on top 🙂

Lilli – en riktig kanonhund!

We enjoyed hours of hiking in the woods and the meadows at Valley Forge

Sunday – Trial day! It was soo much fun with all different classes and open courses with speed and big distances between the obstacle! Lilli was amazing, here posing with her friend Stiffi 😉

Video from the trial

Here follows a gallery with pictures from some of the places we have visited so far:

[[{”fid”:”2910″,”view_mode”:”default”,”fields”:{”format”:”default”,”field_file_image_alt_text[und][0][value]”:”lilli ”,”field_file_image_title_text[und][0][value]”:”Lilli”},”type”:”media”,”attributes”:{}}]]

Beach day in Boston! 


Lilli, Ping and Push!


After a night with health certificate issues we needed this nice day! I found out 11.30 p.m., the day before the flight 8.25 in the morning, that Lilli needed a health certificate for the flight….(it was all clear instructions about that in my tour book, I just didn't look at that page soon enough..)  It was not easy to find a vet at that time but finally we found one clinic where the vet usually came way earlier than when she actually started her work. So 4.45 a.m. we took the chance and drove there. She came and we got all paper work done just in time for the flight! 


I love Halloween and America is a good place to be around this time. But I miss my spooky rounds with my family and kids at home! Here are some pictures of cool Halloween garden decorations!





Happy Halloween postman!



Jack O' Lantern and Lilli




One garden transformed in to a graveyard



Lilli and her Halloween costume, a present from Virginia!


When Mich left to Nationals I should hike by my self in this Musquash woods. No problem, I like to walk by my self. But what I didn't think about was that it was late… and soon dark. I found a map and thought I would have time for the longest hike. I did't feel for count miles to km, so I was guessing. Usually when I guess it ends up less good. We started to walk and it got darker and darker… I thought i little about turning back and go the same way home. No, that's boring, I hate to go back. So I continued. First after a while I got idea that it could be scary in the dark woods in the middle of a foregin country… and it got dark quick. I realized that it was a good idea to start running if I should ever come back home. So we ran, in the dark with my cell phone as the only light. I heard my own breaths when I tried to run on the small, stony trails in the middle of the deepest forest, totally sweaty. Perfect for the worst scary Halloween movie! After an hour we finally found the way back, with help from Lilli. Agony. Clever Jenny!


The last day in New Hamspshire we went to Spooky World! FUN but SCARY! I can still here the voice… "Jeeeenyyy, Jeeeennyy… do you have a husband..?"



McCann's family are great! The first night they surprised me with a birtday celebration! (It was not my birtday)


The second day was even worse, again!! And with singing staff with drums and everything! 


But the third day was the best, Deb had (tried to) decorate a cake with a singing candle. I was laughing my jacket off, so funny!!! Thanks guys!!


Our North American tour is a loong one this year. During six weeks we travel around and visit eight different dog training centers in Canada and US. There is now one more week to go and we have a great tour, me and Lilli! I have seminars every day, but if it has been a really long drive or when we had a flight between the places I have had "a day off". I wondered how I would manage this marathon tour with seminars, I try to go to bed early and take many walks with Lilli and that keeps up my energy! But I was a bit worried in the beginning. After about a week here I felt dizzy, couldn't focus with my eyes and I didn't find the words. It was a bit scary and I have never felt anything like that before. So at my forth place that was was planned to start with a trial I decided to cancel the first trial day and take a day off. Since then I have been fine, so I think that was a good idea! Me and Lilli had a day for our selves and we spend it with hours of hiking at Valley Forge National Historical Park. 

Lilli at Valley Forge National Historical Park. 

Lilli posing on the canon

The American soliders lived in these small cabins during the American Revolutionary war taking place December 19, 1777 to June 19, 1778

Another small cabin, with Lilli on top 🙂

Lilli – en riktig kanonhund!

We enjoyed hours of hiking in the woods and the meadows at Valley Forge

Sunday – Trial day! It was soo much fun with all different classes and open courses with speed and big distances between the obstacle! Lilli was amazing, here posing with her friend Stiffi 😉

Video from the trial

Here follows a gallery with pictures from some of the places we have visited so far:

[[{”fid”:”2910″,”view_mode”:”default”,”fields”:{”format”:”default”,”field_file_image_alt_text[und][0][value]”:”lilli ”,”field_file_image_title_text[und][0][value]”:”Lilli”},”type”:”media”,”attributes”:{}}]]

Beach day in Boston! 


Lilli, Ping and Push!


After a night with health certificate issues we needed this nice day! I found out 11.30 p.m., the day before the flight 8.25 in the morning, that Lilli needed a health certificate for the flight….(it was all clear instructions about that in my tour book, I just didn't look at that page soon enough..)  It was not easy to find a vet at that time but finally we found one clinic where the vet usually came way earlier than when she actually started her work. So 4.45 a.m. we took the chance and drove there. She came and we got all paper work done just in time for the flight! 


I love Halloween and America is a good place to be around this time. But I miss my spooky rounds with my family and kids at home! Here are some pictures of cool Halloween garden decorations!





Happy Halloween postman!



Jack O' Lantern and Lilli




One garden transformed in to a graveyard



Lilli and her Halloween costume, a present from Virginia!


When Mich left to Nationals I should hike by my self in this Musquash woods. No problem, I like to walk by my self. But what I didn't think about was that it was late… and soon dark. I found a map and thought I would have time for the longest hike. I did't feel for count miles to km, so I was guessing. Usually when I guess it ends up less good. We started to walk and it got darker and darker… I thought i little about turning back and go the same way home. No, that's boring, I hate to go back. So I continued. First after a while I got idea that it could be scary in the dark woods in the middle of a foregin country… and it got dark quick. I realized that it was a good idea to start running if I should ever come back home. So we ran, in the dark with my cell phone as the only light. I heard my own breaths when I tried to run on the small, stony trails in the middle of the deepest forest, totally sweaty. Perfect for the worst scary Halloween movie! After an hour we finally found the way back, with help from Lilli. Agony. Clever Jenny!


The last day in New Hamspshire we went to Spooky World! FUN but SCARY! I can still here the voice… "Jeeeenyyy, Jeeeennyy… do you have a husband..?"



McCann's family are great! The first night they surprised me with a birtday celebration! (It was not my birtday)


The second day was even worse, again!! And with singing staff with drums and everything! 


But the third day was the best, Deb had (tried to) decorate a cake with a singing candle. I was laughing my jacket off, so funny!!! Thanks guys!!

Kayl and Ken drove me to meet up with Mary Ellen Barry half way to Kinetic Dog in Pennsylvania. And we had a really fun road trip that started with a nice walk. 




Ken, Kayl, me and Lilli enjoy the view!