Bild av Jenny Damm

Jenny Damm

Last official competition 2013 – Lilli

This weekend we went to our last official competition of 2013. We will also run the tryouts for WAO, in the middle of December. So it’s not really the end of the year, yet :). Anyway, me, Nettan and the dogs went to my hometown, Borås Friday afternoon. We planned to stay at my mothers place even though it was about 40 mins drive from the trial, to be able to spend some time with my family. It was great to see them all and my mum spoiled us with delicious food every night! 😉

In this blog post you can see a video of Lilli’s runs. I’m also making videos of Ogin’s and Ina’s runs, but they are not finished yet. My internet is not the fastest, so it takes a loooong time to upload on youtube… 😉 The report from this trial will be continued with more blog posts!

Well, Lilli is just fantastic. She won the three first runs and it feels like she runs faster and gets more consistent for every weekend. I enjoy every run sooo much! In the last run she dropped a bar and it was all my fault. I changed my handling plan right before her start just becuase I wanted to try something else than what I had done with Ogin (even though it all went well with Ogin before I ran Lilli). Stupid me, it was just crap and I was not even close to achieving my improvised plan. So, I lost time in two places and then I got crazy and tried to push her more in the end to save the time I had lost and that caused a dropped bar. 

Hm, annoying?! YES. Did I learn something, YES: Never change your plan if you already have a good one. Of course I’m REALLY pleased with the three wins, with little young Lilli, in this big competition. But the mistake I made was so stupid and I went from a handling option I had already tried with Ogin, that worked really well, to a solution I didn’t even try at the course walk. Clever Jenny. I will try to remember to stick with my first plan if I don’t have a really good reason to change :). 

I want to thank the judges, Andreas Silfverberg and Nalle Jansson for fun, challenging and interesting courses! LOVED THEM! I also want to give Kungsbacka BK a big hand for a fantastic trial, well done!!

Here’s the video of Lilli’s runs:

Lilli’s runs from last weekend’s big competition in Tångahallen, Vårgårda.