Bild av Jenny Damm

Jenny Damm

Nordic team Champions 2021

We ended up both clean and fast! ???????? Azta and I achieved the title Nordic team Champions together with our awesome team mates Caroline Stenhede, Gustaf Elgh and Ramona Järnving. And the way we did it! Four brilliant clean runs in the final, the coolest and best possible scenario ???????????? Thank you guys for this weekend, a pleasure to run team with you and share this special moment ??.

Sweden had the best total time and Azta and I had the best individual time in the final. It was so exciting to run and it was such a cool final course by Alexander Beitl. Full speed, nice lines and flow and cool skills to test ?‍♀️????‍♀️I enjoyed each second on the course, I am so pleased and proud of Azta and her runs and I am just happy that I could run her at all. A week ago we were not so sure about that with burned pads on all her paws… ?

I am really inspired for the future, ready to fine tune our skills at home. I also learned a lot by watching and running this weekend ?

Thank you Jeanette Johansson, Sandra Scholvin and Richard Scholvin Fd Isoluoma for making it possible to run this little rocket ??

#DownforceAzta❤️Aptus SverigeFourfriends SverigeHäst & HälsaBing.AgilityJenny Damm Lotus EducationOut-n-out SwedenLillö Djurklinik i Vinslöv#JENNYbags#JENNYtunnels

Nordic Agility Championship 2021, Moelv, Norway, 13.-14.11.2021. Photo (c) Jukka Pätynen 2021