Bild av Jenny Damm

Jenny Damm

One angel less on earth…

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Gemma, Lotus and Olga. Three angels that are watching over us. We will always miss you.

Life can change in one second. It can turn up side down from one minute to the other. It can be so unfair and cruel that you think what's the point of this, what's the meaning of life?? I was in Poland for a seminar and suddenly I was home with my family, crying and trying to understand how things happened, why this happened. Why this life can not be delighted with the super woman Gemma, my fathers wife, anymore. 42 years… that was not enough for her. She had so much love for everyone, for everything, so much energy and so many dreams. Now we will only have memories left. That's not enough, we all wanted to have her here with us many years more. I really don't know how life will be from now on. She touched so many lives she was involved in so many people, so many things. How will this life be without her? I don't know when I will stop crying, if I ever will. But we need to carry on, that's what she would have done and what she want us to do.

She had a smile, a piece of her heart, a helping hand for everyone. I know she was the light of many peoples life and especially for my father, Genie and the rest of her family. I will do my best to keep her smile on and take care of those who are left here on earth, just like Gemma did. 

I really hope there is a heaven and that Lotus, Gemma and all other beloved ones are there together, watching over us and that we will all meet again one day… R.I.P. Gemma, we will always miss you.

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