Bild av Jenny Damm

Jenny Damm

Qualifications 2016!

The qualifications for the Swedish national team is over. It was one long weekend with eight runs per dog. Last year I was much more tired in the end of the weekend. Ok, I was running ”only” two dogs this year. But I think that was not the reason why I felt more energetic and concentrated, it was just a sad part not to have Ina to run… But this year I generally felt much stronger from the beginning, both mentally and physically. I also felt our dogs were strong and in really good shape. I don’t know exactly why it felt so good, I guess things around you affects you more than you think. It has an impact on those small details, that you think is just coincidents, but in fact you’re missing that last little piece of speed or focus. A tiny little part, but still so important. Anyway, we really enjoyed every run and Lilli did only one mistake in all those eight runs, she hit the wall once. Nothing else. Amazing little dog, I admire her so much. Also Ogin had a great weekend, he was really on his top compared to the latest trials. We have had five faults in a lot of runs since the beginning of this year, but now he also felt strong and focused. He’s just a little careless on his contacts in trials sometimes… 😉 we need to clean that up before the coming championships. Besides that, he didn’t either do a single mistake – great boy!

Overall I think we have a really strong team this year, the qualifications were so exciting and a lot of dogs and handlers did great achievemnets! It was a pleasure to watch every run. Our team leaders and agility club has been doing an awesome job to run this trial and I really like our system for qualifications. It’s fair, it’s exciting and it inspires people to give everything in each run. No one can complain, it’s just to do your best.

I want to give Nettan a huge THANKS, for everything she’s doing. She’s such a big part of our team and it’s so much fun to have this team work with our dogs, the training, course walks etc. I also want to give big THANKS to Lupus foder, our sponsors of the best dog food – Four Friends! They always help and support us. Thank you also Aptus, who sponsor us with a lot of good stuff for our dogs, especially Aptus Pro Sport, in my opinion the best energy suppliment you can give your dog during a trial day. And THANK you Dick and Monica Höglund at Smådjurshälsan i Vinslöv (where we regularly swim our dogs) and Sophie Ericsson at Häst & Hälsa, who all take such good care of our dogs and keeps them in perfect shape. I’m really looking forward to the coming championships this year, we will try maintain our shape and enjoy the time until then. 

Video with mixed clips from Lilli and Ogin – Swedish Qualifications 2016