Bild av Jenny Damm

Jenny Damm

Update with new video!

Finally a blog post again. This spring has just been crazy with travels, sick dogs and troubles in my private life. So, neither energy or time for writing. One big issue has been Elvis. He has been sick several times and it has been several serious things and I thought he would die a couple of times. But he’s strong, my little man! And right now he’s healthy and happy! Training, swimming, playing and it really feels like he’s enjoying life. I love that dog so much. I can spend a whole day with just watching him and loving him!                                          

Two weeks ago we had the Nordic Championship in Finland. My mother came to stay in my house to look after the dogs while we were away. She was a bit worried to have Elvis, but I told her that everything was fine and that he was in such a good shape, no worries. But of course… Saturday he got sick and she had to go with him to the vet clinic. They kept him there for treatment and tests. When I heard he was sick I got so frustrated and I just wanted to be home with him. At the same time I had a mission to complete with the Swedish team mates. But all my team mates and the team leaders supported me to go home. Fantastic people. So, I left Finland with the first flight back and I felt a bit guilty to not run with my team on Sunday. But I just wanted to get home to Elvis and I would never have forgive my self if I had stayed and something had happened. He got better with the treatments and already Sunday evening I could pick him up and take him home. He was a bit weak of course but the next day he was totally back in shape again!!

Last weekend we were on a trial and the first day started in chaos. My brain was still focused on everything but agaility and my GPS took us to some place far from where the trial was held. So we were late, I was not in the best mood and I didn’t have the best focus at all. With almost no good results, we went back home, relaxed for a while and a bit later we decidied to train. I hadn’t train in ages and especially not with Lilli. Nettan pushed us and chased us around the course and we had a great training! Then we went down to the sea and ate dinner in the sunset with my wonderful neighbours. Ok, so I got some good energy, we found the way Sunday morning and my fighting spirit was back. Lilli made two really nice runs and we won both. Also Ina and Ogin did nice runs! So in the end Nettan was please with all four of us. 

I even was in a mood for making a video, which was a looong time ago. So… enjoy!