Bild av Jenny Damm

Jenny Damm

Finland Top Team & X-mas pre-start


The week is coming to its end and I'm pretty pleased with it. Except that I wrote a blog spot last night and when I had finished it everything disappeared. It's a bit annoying when things like that happen and I (or Joakim…) then remind myself it would be a good idea to copy the text before I try to upload something new… Sooner or later I will be wise enough to really do so ;o)

Well, back to the week. I'm both happy and relieved that my new website is ready and in use. It has been many hours in front of the computer and I'm not really that found of computers. But it's a good forum and it's so much nicer to work with it when you are satisfied with the things! I have my Webmaster Joakim to thank for all this. He's just great. Sometimes the problems solves by themselves just by calling him. Like today 🙂

Christmas is coming closer and I just love it. This weekend, at least in Sweden, we celebrate Advent. I will not be home so we had a little pre-celebration yesterday night. Swedish glögg, candles, ginger cookies, blue cheese and nice friends! Zaa also loves Christmas. I think he cares neither for the candles or the cookies, but the blue cheese…! He has always been really picky with all kind of food. But blue cheese, that's really tasty for him! And he's the cutest in the world when he's laying in the sofa, with his paws on the table and just focus on the cheese on my ginger cookie… Do I need to say we share equally…

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Zaa, I just adore that dog. He will never be able to compete but he's just living inside my heart. Such a wonderful, cute, fun, faithful and charming dog he is. Very, very special. When I have been working by the computer he has kept me company ;o) and made the work a little more fun when I have been tired in my head. Ok, maybe he's a little bit spoiled but he's worth it!

[[{”fid”:”2470″,”view_mode”:”default”,”type”:”media”,”attributes”:{”height”:420,”width”:560,”class”:”media-element file-default”}}]]

I've had Lilli at home this week. She's so much fun to train! We have been focusing on training turns on our Running Dog-Walk. It has been good and pretty reliable on straight DWs for a while but the turns have been more difficult. This week I've done at least one session each day, all of them including turns after DW and it feels that we improved a lot! This morning we did a last session running DW, before she was going back to Nettan, and I'm quite pleased with our progress. I varied between turns and straight ends and I think she didn't miss a single try! Running contacts are not easy to train. Not at all actually. But I'm sure me, Nettan and Lilli find it just as fun, it's like a drug! 

Finland Top Team 

Right now I'm on the train to the airport. I will go to Finland this weekend for a very exciting mission. Finland has a selection of a quite big group that will meet four weekends during the time from the selection after WC to the selection for the Finnish national team. They focus on handling techniques, physical training, mental training etc. to prepare the teams as good as possible for the selections and Championships. it is a very interesting initiative and I feel really honoured to be one of the trainers! I will keep you updated about The Finnish Top Teamsmiley

Have a nice weekend!