Bild av Jenny Damm

Jenny Damm

Gold Agility winner

Soon summer camps will start and Zeljko has come with his dogs. We have been at my place for three days and we have enjoyed the summer so far, swimming among the water Lillies every day :). Now we are on our way to Dania cup and to compete the last days there. We were supposed to go already Sunday night but Tip is injured and I decided Lilli deserved a rest from agility after last weekend all runs. So only a few days left of Dania but it will be really fun to come there now!

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Zeljko and the dogs, ready to swim the to the small island out in the lake 🙂
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Ogin and the water Lillies
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Zaa and the water Lillies
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Ina and the water Lillies

Gold Agility in Kalmar

Last weekend was a fantastic weekend I have to say. Kalmar had organized a four day competition with a big final, foreign judges, nice competition area and great atmosphere! Our club had arranged accomodation together and we had one night with barbeque with all the lubmembers. Besides the competition we visited our good friend Anja, in her lovely house on Öland. We went to her sheep with Ziv and she developed really well. She realized now that she’s a sheepdog 🙂 even though she’s brown… 😉 We also went to several places to look for orchids andf other rare flowers. That side of Sweden have so many interesting areas for plants! As you understand the whole stay in Kalmar was a pleasure, not only the trial. But as those four days probably were the most successful days for me ever, I think it made it all even better. 

They had a final where the winners in small, medium and large all three won 10.000 Swedish Crowns!! And… Lilli was the winner in large!! I don’t know how it happend or how happy I am for our achievent, but I have had a big smile in my face the last days… 😉 

I made a video with clips and runs, enjoy!


Lilli – Gold Agility Winner 2014!


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Photo: Canine Rush


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Photo: Canine Rush


Lilli’s running contacts 🙂 Photo: Canine Rush


Photo: Canine Rush


Photo: Canine Rush


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Big moment, small dog! Photo: Canine Rush