Bild av Jenny Damm

Jenny Damm

Lilli will run WC 2014 in Luxembourg!

The second weekend of qualifications started in a really bad way. We got disqualified in the two first runs. We did good runs but it doesent help when you get an elimination, no points for that of course. It looked dark and we fell down in the list for each run. Luxembourg felt really far, far away. I needed to change the results and win some runs. So we did – we won the four last runs and ended up in the top of the list! 🙂 We are of course super happy and excited to run against the rest of all the fantastic world teams. Even if I have run several dogs before in FCI WC it feels a bit special with Lilli I have to say. 

I made a sum up video with Lilli’s runs, from the two weekends of qualification for the Swedish team. 

Congrats to all Swedish dogs and handlers who qualified for the team!! 

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Video of Lilli’s qualifications – here in my blog you can watch it on ipad, iphone etc.