Bild av Jenny Damm

Jenny Damm

Home – sweet home!

I have been home little more than a week now and I really enjoy my house, my dogs and everything else I have been missing during my six weeks long tour. I have had a great trip, all seminars and things around have been fantastic. So many wonderful people, fun and different dogs, so many places I have visited! I have really had a fun and enjoyable time! But now I'm back home and it's also very nice. I have taken care about my house, my garden, all our animals, I have been out hiking in the woods, been to a trial with all our dogs, I have had some privat students and I have been working with bookkeeping and other computer work. And I have enjoyed it all 🙂

So, last Sunday me, Nettan and the pack went to a trial. Ina has been injured so I haven't run her since August. She did really well, which was a great feeling after injuries and tick-disease, even though it was no direct results. Ogin was good too and he did one clean run, it was fun to run him after all those weeks away from him! I felt Lilli and I had a great teamwork after the training I have been able to do during the trip and I also liked the courses a lot. Because of this we had two good winning runs! She also got her last certificate in jumpers class and became Swedish jumpers Champion! Lilli is such an amazing and fun little dog! Always super focused and with an efficient style to be so little. I just love running her! 

In the weekend we will have our yearly trial in Lotushallen! It's always so fun, looking forward to it! Tomorrow Nettan comes here and we will prepare it all for Sunday! 🙂 

Here's a video from the trial, Lilli's runs. 

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Little winning mouse! 😉 Now Swedish agility & jumpers Champion!


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The whole pack together again!

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This is the expected order on the walks. Elvis always close to me. Lilli always in the lead 🙂

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Garden and flowers need some love and I need my flowers and garden!

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My hikes!

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November bath!

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Home sweet home. Zaa loves his sofa and pillows. 😉 

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My rams have been a bit naughty during my stay in America. They ran away and my neighbours had to pick them up and build a better fence… Now we have divided the ews in two flocks. One group we will use for lambs with the white ram, Shaun the Connery and the other group we will keep like a training group for the dogs. Next year we will switch so the other group will have lambs with the black ram, Johnny Depp. 🙂 

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Sheep-work-time again 🙂 Even though Elvis is over 12 years he is such a useful and powerful sheep dog. The horses and Highland cattle in the background 😉 Love them all!