Bild av Jenny Damm

Jenny Damm

Lotuscupen 2013



Last weekend we organized Lotuscupen 2013, it’s the forth year in a row we arrange a trial in the hall and it all started when we held the opening ceremony in 2010. The family who owns the hall, me and Nettan have Lotuscupen like a late autumn activity and it’s so fun even do there are a lot of things to do, before and after. It’s worth it all and we really enjoy it, especially when the people around apreciate it. And that’s our goal and the idea of the competition. We want it to be a great event that everyone enjoy. The courses should be fun and challenging for all levels, NO UP-CONTACTS should be judged, the prices should be nice and many, a lottery with crazy many prices and the drawing of lots is an important part of the day :), a barbeque with meet from local, happy pigs, homemade cakes, our super good dog physioterapheut that everyone could book a time with and visit during the day, music and nice helpers. We arrange it like an unofficial trial because then we can decide exactly how we want it 🙂 This year we were also soooo lucky with the weather, sunshine the whole day so people could enjoy the beautiful surroundings with their dogs. 

The most rewarding for us is when the participant have had a great day at our trial. To get positiv feedback is the big motivation for us to organize this event, so therefor it was great to read this blog, Thank you Linda and congratulations!:

You can find all results from the competition at Lotushallens website:

We want to thank all our sponsors for helping us to make this trial extra memorable for the participants and audience, without You this event wouldn’t be half as fun as it is now! THANK YOU!!!

Lupus –

Deas snickare –

Mars Nordics –

JW pet –

Häst och Hälsa –

Smådjurshälsan –

Engelsons –

Datexpro –

Fräscht och Rent –

Gudmundsgården –

Lotushallen –

Lotus Education –

Slöinge Lantmän

Sveland- djurförsäkringar –

Matöppet i Slöinge –

SIA-glass –

Hund & Katt –

Falkenbergs Netto-

Särestads Agro AB

Klipp & Kryll-Klippan


Last ones out from the shop, fully loaded shopping carts with prices and stuff!
Workers on the road! 
Kalle works hard
First course tested
Lottery prices. The lottery is a fun and important part of the day!
Prices for each individual run and for the cup winners!
Prices for the cup winners! Among other things, they won a jump from, the best and nicest jumps in the world!
Prices for the junior classes
Zaa got a bit tired Saturday night and fell asleep on one of the prices… 😉  
Welcome bag for each participant
Start lists up on the wall
Looking for start numbers
Barbeque staff!
Course walk
One of the junior handlers
First course of the day – jumpers. Black numbers, open class. Red numbers, junior class.
Second course, agility. Black numbers open class. Red numbers, junior class.
Third and last course, agility. Black numbers, open class. Red numbers, junior class. 
Total results Lotuscupen 2013, small
Total results Lotuscupen 2013, medium
Total results Lotuscupen 2013, large 
Lap of honor with all winners of the open class and junior class! Stand up for the Champions! :o)
Winners Lotuscupen 2013! Large: Cathrin & Cocos (an Elvis pup!) Medium: Linda & Skrutt, Small: Mari & Sanni
Winners of the junior cup! Large: Noah & Daphne, Medium: Ida & Super-Gösta, Small: Nhea & Winna 

Thank you everyone for this years trial, welcome back 2014!!!