Bild av Jenny Damm

Jenny Damm

Midsummer & good news

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Video with all our runs from the Swedish Agility Championship

Yes! We made it! After all that has happend in my life the latest, I'm very pleased with last weekends Swedish Championship. In the end Ogin got a silver medal so now all my dogs has one or more medals from the Swedish Championships 🙂 

It was a nice, well organized event on a big sport center in Falkenberg, my home town. The courses were totally ok, pretty fun. The jumping course could have been a bit more tricky in my opinion, but anyway I liked it and the agility course had some really nice challenges. On Saturday we started 07.00 in the morning, luckily it's day-light early this time of the year… 😉 

Ina was firt of my dogs in the jumping round. I was a bit too slow in one part so she unfortunately got a time comnsuming spin in the wrong direction, so she ended up 11th for the final. Otherwise the run was very good. Next dog was my old Elvis, even though he is over 12 years he was doing great runs with a nice flow and speed. He jumped to close to the long-jump so the first part fell down, otherwise he was just so good! Ogin was the last one, he did a great run and ended up 4th for the final. 

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Kvarkin Krug, Ogin! Photo: Mette Björne

After the first day we went home and spend some nice time with Lilli's breeder and some other friends. We trained agility, sheep herding and was swimming and walking with the dogs. We also ate a delicious barbeque dinner (made in the rain 😉

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Lilli the sheepdog 🙂

The final day on Sunday was really thrilling. It started with small and medium and I one of my students, young Linn ended up 2nd in small with one of her dogs and she won with her other dog in medium. It was a fantastic feeling and experience to follow her in the final runs!! She's just a fantastic and special girl in all ways and I'm sooo happy for her and that was a good, positive preparation for my own final runs 🙂

In the final run Elvis was first of my dogs, because he had five faults. He did a really good run and I enjoyed every single second together with my old, crazy friend ;). Next one was Ina and except the down contact of the DW she did a perfect run. One mistake and you're out, that's agility…! Well, I had a good feeling and I was super excited for Ogin's start… He was as well 🙂 But it started to rain just before our run, so first I slipped and almost fell and then Ogin must have slipped in a tunnel because it took ages for him to come out again. Except those two small mistakes I think we did more or less a perfect run and I was sooo happy when he jumped the last jump! And it was good enough for a silver medal 🙂 It was Ogin's first championship medal and I was so proud of him, actually I was so proud of all of us. My old, faithful, strong Elvis who did just super runs, Ina who is always making nice runs with tight turns and my self. I was surprised and happy about my own mind. I was back in my normal concentration mood, I was excited and nervous in a good way. Gemmas funeral was fresh in my mind and it was such a hard day, but I could turn off that part and concentrate the minutes I needed on the course-walk and in the runs. It felt good, really good. My dogs and all people around me helped me to focus and to find the happiness. I'm forever thankful for every little greeting, cheering, nice word or thought. It helps. And one big support in my life is Nettan, without her I would't be able to perform half of what I'm doing. Fantastic person. 

Congratulations to all dogs and handlers with good results and runs the last weekend! And thanks to Falkenbergs BK for a great event!

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Elvis! Photo: Mette Björne

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Ina! Photo: Mette Björne

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Ogin! Photo: Mette Björne

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Ogin in a serpentine BX! Photo: Mette Björne

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Ogin! Photo: Mette Björne

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Gold, silver and bronze-medalists! (+the secret Swedish man… 😉 Photo: Sofia Olsson

I told you what I did on the Swedish Championship was important for the selection… Yesterday we got the news, both Ina and Ogin is now in the team camp and they have the chance to get in the team for the Nordic Championship! Woho!! 🙂

Now I'm with my father, Gemmas daughter and my sisters family on the Swedish west coast and we will celebrate Swedish Midsummer here. It's nostalgy to be here, I spend my childhood  on a sailing boat in this area with rocks, sea and thousands of islands. I'm looking forward to the weekend, take care! 🙂

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Morning walk in the archipelago

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Midsummer food – homemade lime herring