Bild av Jenny Damm

Jenny Damm

More Florida & new video

Now we are home in Sweden again. I LOVE to be home with my dogs again but I also miss Florida :). The flight was bumpy and not nice at all I have to admit. It was a lot of turbulence the whole way and I felt sick from take off to landing and besides that I was terrified. Pissed alligators are nothing compared to airplanes and turbulence! 

The weekend before we left Florida we went to a three day trial in Orlando (see the video below). It was really fun and I love the games! In Sweden I run pretty many runs per day because I have several dogs but in USDAA you can run five runs per day with one dog! It’s fun but I could see that Lilli got more tired than she usually gets after a trial day. 

As we don’t have Snookers and Gamblers in Europe I’m not that experienced in those classes. Luckily Gail was helping me with the planning and strategy. It’s really exciting to both plan, watch and run the games. Wish we had it as official classes also here! 

Lilli was fantastic and really consistent all weekend, I was pleased and happy about her performance. Again. I adimre this little dog and I’m so happy I have the opportunity to spend time with, train and trial with this little dog! 

It was also fun and exciting to get the possibility to watch many of my students from the seminars. They were all pretty brave, experimented and tried new moves.  I love when my students put the results to the side, are brave, trying to incorporate the new moves and dare to be aggressive in their handling! That’s what pushes one forward! 🙂 

Overall I have had such a great experience in Florida. Everything has been so good and I have my head filled of nice memories, I hope I can come back next year, to keep working with mouse-lines, low hands, dragon turns, fast running, etc ;). I also want to meet my friends, the alligators, again! Besides the gator experiences I have seen a bunch of new birds. I have a list of 36 new (for me) birds I’m sure about, then I saw several birds that I couldn’t identify. All cool birds were fantastic and almost as exciting as the gators, especially the cool woodpeckers!! It’s hard to shoot birds with an iphone, so unfortunately no good pics.


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We had one day of cool weather. At least I’m matching Karens towel with my head-band 😉
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At the trial in Orlando it was hot weather all three days!


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All but one of Lilli’s clean runs from the trial. I lost one Masters standard run somewhere among my videos…
Gail Maidens helped me to plan snookers and gamblers, BIG THANKS for that!! Also thanks guys for helping me taping my runs.


Judge Judy Reilly, Gail, Super Bungee-girl (Elvis puppy and Ogin’s sister) and me. She got her American ADCH-title this special day. Proud grandma! 

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Beach party at Casey Key beach!


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Me and Lilli walking along the beach, looking for nice shells, stones and old shark teeth 🙂 I was in Florida with my family when I was a kid and this beach stroll made me nostalgic!


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The beach gang 🙂



Lilli enjoys the sunset… (or waits for her ”out-and-swim-command” ;))



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Campfire after dinner



Siesta Key beach with the famous drum circle

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My hosts, Lisa and Steve’s house. Loved to stay there! Hundreds of thanks to Lisa, Steve, Gail and Vince who was taking such a good care of Lilli and me during our stay in Florida!