Bild av Jenny Damm

Jenny Damm

It doesn’t always work out as planned…

I have been thinking of a new puppy for a while but not now, maybe in a year or two…

But suddenly, a litter I was interested in came up. Then it didn’t really work out as I wanted with that one. But because of the first litter I found another that I got interested in. Both parents are really nice herding dogs and that was what I was looking for. The male is Jaran Knive’s Maico (which is related to my Elvis) and the female is Tazzehagens Kylie. I took the chance and contacted Mikaela, at kennel Emenem, that has the mother. She said maybe there was one puppy left for me, all other pups were sold. When she contacted me again she confirmed I could get one. A female… a brown female. First I was sceptic. Female? Brown?! Do I want a female? And brown? I have males and I like dark dogs! Hm… I was thinking for a while and finally me and Nettan decided (or maybe it was more only Nettan who decided, she always supports my crazy ideas…;)) to visit her and see if we liked her. The breeder said this puppy was the most active and tough one and she really was. I fell in love and it was no doubt she’s the kind of dog I like, even though she’s brown… 😉 Her name is Ziv, which means active, smart, quick, clever, foxy, sharp, alert, skilled, shining, flashing, brilliant, intense etc. Could it be any better!? 🙂 

So, here we go. I have a puppy NOW when I planned the next dog in a year or two. And it’s BROWN when I looked for a dark tricolor or black and white. I also wanted a smooth but the parents have quite a lot of LONG FUR. Ops! 😉

But the more I get to know Ziv, the more I like her. Even her color 😉 I’m so excited about having a puppy again. I love puppies and to follow their progress, to get to know their personality and to do puppy training. The little puppy brain is the cutest and most fascinating thing I know! 

The parents Kylie & Maico in action, working sheep
Ziv showed her independent and brave side when we visited her at the breeder :). 
When I finally made my decision and met Ziv I fell in love!
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Is it possible to be more cute than this?
Ziv likes Zaa and wants to be like him…
…exactly like him… 😉
She’s active, brave and relaxed in a nice balance. I really like her character!  
Pitbull…? No, it’s just Ziv 😉

To be continued… 🙂