Bild av Jenny Damm

Jenny Damm

Zweet Ziv & lambz!

I don’t really understand how deep you can fall in love in a little dog in just a few days! Ok, once in a while she’s really cheap also… Like yesterday night. For example when she wanted to eat her poop, when I had to run over the whole yard to catch her, when she didn’t want to pee when it was late, below freezing and I wanted to sleep or when she was crazy and barking when I put her in the crate to sleep. But today she woke up, sweet as sugar again and we left the little monster in the crate ;). To be honest, even in her worst moments I love her and I’m so happy she’s a member of our pack!

Those eyes can get away with almost everything… 😉 
Finally Lilli and Zaa realized she might stay and that it’s better to use her for something  
Girl power – Ziv & Lilli
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– Good morning guys! Nice horns. My name is Ziv, with ”Z”.
Outdoor water is the best water
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Watching a puppy playing is probably the best entertainment you can get! 






Stretching after work out. Good pup. 

Lambing – Roslagsfår

Yesterday night we got our first lamb! Everything went well and she seems to be fine. But my sheep is a little crazy and we had some trouble to get them in to the stable. During night time it’s still below freezing here, so we didn’t want the lamb to stay in the field.

This is our first year with lambs and we will start with ”A”. Number one will be ”Astrid”. 🙂

Newborn Astrid and her crazy mom
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#1 – Astrid
Astrid – not total control of her ears but besides that she’s doing great 🙂
Proud mom and little Astrid
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If my bed was bigger and there were less dogs in it, she would be sleeping there!