Bild av Jenny Damm

Jenny Damm

WAO festival

The last weekend we had the first of two weekends of WAO qualifications. I have never been to WAO before but this year I was a bit tempted, it seems to be a really fun championship! So, we decided to go to the first part of the tryouts, that was held pretty close to were I live. Usually I don’t compete this time of the year because I want both me and the dogs to have some rest, but we made an exception and went there. On Saturday there were three qualification runs for WAO and on Sunday they had arrange an agility festival with the games we are not used with here in Sweden; snooker, gambler and speed stake. It’s something totally different but great fun!! It was over all, a really fun and exciting weekend with a great spirit! 

Lilli and Ina are in one height cathegory and Ogin is in one, so they don’t compete against eachother. That’s also a little bit strange for me. Well, all three dogs actually did all runs very well, but small mistakes made the final results not as good as I was hoping for. Lilli and Ina ended up with the same points in second place and that’s of course good. But we have one more weekend with qualifications in Stockholm in January and my plan was not to go there. It’s winter time, bad roads and again, the time of the year when I want us to rest from trials. But now I consider to go there anyway and try to get some better points 🙂 

Ogin was very good and he had five out of six clean runs during the weekend but he choosed the worst class to get faults in 😉 He ended up 5th in the qualifications and 2nd in the games.

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Lilli at WAO agility festival! Photo: Martin Rimby

Lilli is just amazing. I can’t stop adore that dog, she is like a dream to run in each run. That little dog, 2,5 years old, had the best time in all six runs, of all dogs, and it feels like she gets better and better self confidence for each trial and she make improvements all the time. And when we decided to train RC I have to admit that I was a bit nervous abot the results, but so far she has been doing her contacts great! I’m so excited about her future!

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Super Miss Lilli – always 100% focused, with 100% energy and 100% positive! Photo: Martin Rimby

Here’s a video of Lilli’s runs in the weekend!


Ina has been sick and injured during the late summer and fall. So we have had some time to get back to our teamwork again. But this weekend she was brilliant, some small mistakes in two runs on Saturday, but on Sunday she was doing all runs clear and she won the whole festival! Good girl 🙂 But the best thing is that she stays healthy and fit!

Here’s a video of Ina’s runs in the weekend!
