Bild av Jenny Damm

Jenny Damm

Ziv’s first video and Lilli the sheepdog

She’s just perfect! My brown little bitch… 😉 Ziv has been in my life for a months now and since the day I met her she has kept proofing that I made the right decision when I let her move in to my house and be a part of our pack. She is just so positive, fun to train, good with other dogs and kids, she’s smart and sweet. She can easily concentrate although dogs, people or other things around is distracting, and the balance between cool and crazy is perfect. She has also been with Nettan and her family when I have been abroad for seminars. The kids love her and love is mutual. She has, so far, nothing in her character that I don’t like. 

I made a video with clips from her first month with us, enjoy! 🙂

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Photos in the end: Ingemar Johansson,!home


Lilli – The Sheepdog

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Lilli drives the sheep towards the drive gates

Last Sunday was the big day for little Lilli. We had finally entered her to a sheep herding trial to get her titled as an approved sheepdog. Or it’s more of a test actually. You get points like in a trial but there is no winner, you must have a minimum number of points to pass the test. 

It’s always a special feeling and a bit nervous to stand there by the handler’s post, ready to send your dog for the outrun…

Lilli was was the fifth dog I’m doing this test with. I did my first one with Lotus, hundred years ago ;). Then Elvis and later on with Ina and Ogin. With Lotus and especially with Elvis I was trialing quite alot. But then I haven’t had anough time to trial. So since I did the test with Ina and Ogin, 2010, I have mostly been training and working my sheep at home. I was pretty ambitious last summer with Lilli’s training, but during the autumn and winter I have not practiced frequently at all. Suddenly we entered to this trial and then I realized I had not much time at home to train. So luckily, during the last month as we have been around for agility trials, we have had many nice people around us, who let us work their sheep in between the agility competitions. THANK YOU ALL for your help! I think that was a perfect experience for both me and Lilli. She improved for each place and each session and by the time for the trial I actually felt pretty well-prepared and I had a big trust to Lilli’s skills. She is biddable, fun to work and she has a nice attitude to sheep.

Well, the place, field, sheep and atmosphere were great at Kulla lamm, where the trial was held. Öresundsvallarna had a training day with James McGee from Ireland and after that a club championship judged by him, so we had time to watch some nice runs before it was Lilli’s turn. And finally I was standing there, by the post, with Lilli on my side. I was a bit nervous but it was mostly fun and exciting I have to say! She was concentrated, she worked well and we had a nice teamwork. We got 81/100 points and really nice words from the judge, Lisa Hansson. Lilli was a bit tight in the outrun and also in one left-command when we were doing the pen work, but the rest of the lost points were on me I have to say! Lilli was brilliant as always. Whatever we are doing with her, she’s like a dream to work with :). 

We were of course really happy for Lilli’s achievement and maybe, maybe we got inspired enough to enter her to some more trials… 🙂 


Proud sheepdog, proud shepherdess and proud sheepdog owner (behind the camera)!!!