Bild av Jenny Damm

Jenny Damm

Summer Camps and Europa Tour

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Ice cream time!

[[{”fid”:”2805″,”view_mode”:”default”,”type”:”media”,”attributes”:{”height”:375,”width”:560,”class”:”media-element file-default”}}]]

Catja in a serious explanation… ;o)

[[{”fid”:”2806″,”view_mode”:”default”,”type”:”media”,”attributes”:{”height”:375,”width”:560,”class”:”media-element file-default”}}]]

Helena runs as hell and has a good head start to her dog in the tunnel!

[[{”fid”:”2807″,”view_mode”:”default”,”type”:”media”,”attributes”:{”height”:375,”width”:560,”class”:”media-element file-default”}}]]

Helena and Bilbo in action!

There has been pretty much going on the last time! First of all the two first Summer Camps are over, but we have still one to go in August! 🙂 As usual we were just so lucky with the weather, when we have summer camps it's simply summer weather! So both people and dogs had to go to the lake several times of the day to cool off a bit. The training, barbeque and all other stuff around was as nice as always and I hope and think all participants had a great time as the organizing team; me, Zeljko Anita and her family. 

One of my regular students and a every year participant at the summer camps posted a video and I want share it here. I convinced her to import the first Croatian sheepdog to Sweden and it was quite complicated at that time. But, I think she thinks it worth it… Here they come, Ulrika and Axis!

[[{”fid”:”2803″,”view_mode”:”default”,”type”:”media”,”attributes”:{”height”:315,”width”:560,”alt”:”Summercamp 2013 Jenny Damm Dag 1″,”class”:”media-element file-default”}}]]


Right after the Summer camps me, Zeljko and the dogs went to the Värmländish forests (Swedish saying 😉 and Karlstad for two days of competitions. It was a hughe one with lots of starts and the weather was hot again. It was a successful trip I have to say. Lilli won agility 2, Lilli and Gunga got their last exams for Agility 3, Tip won and became Swedish jumping champion, our nice friends cooked lunch for us one day and both the food and the company was just super, I laughed without stop I think, several of our student got really good results and Zeljko, FINALLY, saw his first moose!! 

I made videos of me and Zeljko's competition. It's the same song because we listened to that I think hundreds of times and because it's Swedish and really good 🙂

[[{”fid”:”2808″,”view_mode”:”default”,”type”:”media”,”attributes”:{”height”:315,”width”:560,”alt”:”Jenny Damm Agility – Miss Lilli, Karlstad, July, 2013″,”class”:”media-element file-default”}}]]

My and Lilli's runs

[[{”fid”:”2809″,”view_mode”:”default”,”type”:”media”,”attributes”:{”height”:315,”width”:560,”alt”:”Zeljko Gora Agility Sweden July, 2013″,”class”:”media-element file-default”}}]]

Zeljko's runs in a mix


European Tour 2013

Last Friday me and Lilli went to Germany for seminars. First to Flensburg and then all the way down to Dorsten. I was again guessing the departure time of my train, but this time in the wrong direction so I actually missed it! Well it's just to stay calm and try to solve it. And we did, I catched the next train to Copenhagen and with two minutes margin I catched the train to Kolding where I should be picked up. Well everything went well (again) with some extra work and energy. But why I never learn?! It's still hot, hot summer but luckily, here in Dorsten we are indoors. Even indoors it's hot so I'm happy we don't need to be in the direct sun, especially for the dogs. 

Today Nettan and Ingemar will come and pick me up for EO in Belgium! We have borrowed my fathers camper and I look so much forward to this trip! Afetr EO we will continue to Holland for another seminar and then to Italy and Border collie classic!

Last but no least, me and Ogin qualified for the Nordic Championships in August!! 🙂 

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Photo: Mette Björne