Summer Camp 2024
Now the registration for Lotus Education’s summer camps, together with Zeljko Gora is open! It will be our 13th year (I think… ). As usual
Lotus Education offers agility courses and private training for Jenny Damm, Slöinge and for Jeanette Johansson, Västra Torup. You can also participate in online courses and private online training. It is also possible to buy equipment for both the agility course and the dog.
Now the registration for Lotus Education’s summer camps, together with Zeljko Gora is open! It will be our 13th year (I think… ). As usual
Vi erbjuder 10% på beställningar som kommer in 21-23 December. Rabatten gäller tunnlar, JENNY bags, JENNY bows och nummerskyltar. Du har väl inte missat våra
Jördiz Det finns två dagböcker där vi kan följa Jördiz resa till agilityhund. Valpdagbok online – Follow Jördiz, part 1 Träningsdagbok online – FolIow Jördiz