Slalom – what is difficult for the dog?

  Ok, I was excited and I had a favourable view of the method, but after about a week of training, I must say that I'm more than satisfied and Lilli has developed over my expectations. Already the second session of training I put the poles a bit closer. She could still run the same […]

Slalom – what is the best method?

Finally. Yesterday we started Lilli's weave training! I like to wait pretty long with slalom because I want my dog to be fully mature in the body and have a good idea about operant teaching. Maybe I don't use to wait this long, but we are not in a hurry and our focus have been on […]

Handling analysis

[[{”fid”:”2660″,”view_mode”:”default”,”type”:”media”,”attributes”:{”height”:420,”width”:560,”style”:”width: 500px; height: 375px; ”,”class”:”media-element file-default”}}]] Satisfied sister and brother, Janis Joplin & Ogin, at the competition in Karlshamn. Yea, finally a competition again! I have not competed since november and it feels like a looong time ago. I only had one dog to run with, which was a bit strange. We were at the […]

Japan Update

Finally my blog post about Japan! I wrote one when I had the Top Team training in Finland, directly when I came from Japan. I wrote and wrote and uploaded lots of photos. Then, when I finally had finished the post, I should just switch between two tabs. But instead for clicking on the tab […]

Summer Camps 2013!

  [[{”fid”:”2629″,”view_mode”:”default”,”type”:”media”,”attributes”:{”height”:375,”width”:560,”class”:”media-element file-default”}}]]   Lotus Education proudly presents the 4th edition of my & Zeljko's popular Summer Camps! You will improve your handling while you and your dog enjoy meeting new friends at my beautiful training place with full service, barbecue night, close to a lake, woods etc! We are really looking forward to the […]

Japan och SM!

Just nu är jag på väg till Japan. Jag sitter på flygplatsen i Köpenhamn och väntar. Inget glömt och jag är i tid. Hm, ett oroväckande lugn måste jag säga… Jaja, bara till att hoppas att det för en gångs skull faktiskt helt enkelt kan vara såhär :o) Jag och Zeljko ska ha kurs i […]

Happy New 2013!

[[{”fid”:”2523″,”view_mode”:”default”,”type”:”media”,”attributes”:{”height”:420,”width”:560,”class”:”media-element file-default”}}]] Zaa likes his New Year-drink and the whole family is ready for party! Happy New Year everyone! I hope 2013 will be a good year for all of you, an exciting year with success, health and happiness! For sure it will not be only good but we can all try to make it […]

Christmas Eve is over

[[{”fid”:”2515″,”view_mode”:”default”,”type”:”media”,”attributes”:{”height”:560,”width”:560,”class”:”media-element file-default”}}]] Elvis, Zaa, Ogin and my mothers jack russel; Ester.  [[{”fid”:”2516″,”view_mode”:”default”,”type”:”media”,”attributes”:{”height”:420,”width”:560,”class”:”media-element file-default”}}]] Christmas dinner is served! [[{”fid”:”2517″,”view_mode”:”default”,”type”:”media”,”attributes”:{”height”:560,”width”:560,”class”:”media-element file-default”}}]] Nice walk in the snow, with my three boys and my father's dogs, Rocky and Vera.    

X-mas movie 2012!

Here is our traditional Christmas movie for 2012! It's our greeting card from us to You! Have a nice holiday and I hope you will enjoy watching the video, we had a lot of fun when we made it 😉  [[{”fid”:”2512″,”view_mode”:”default”,”type”:”media”,”attributes”:{”height”:315,”width”:560,”alt”:”Lotus Educations X-mas movie 2012″,”class”:”media-element file-default”}}]]  

Lucia, Running Contacts & Superonsdag!

  [[{”fid”:”2505″,”view_mode”:”default”,”type”:”media”,”attributes”:{”height”:231,”width”:218,”style”:”float: left; width: 218px; height: 231px; ”,”class”:”media-element file-default”}}]](There is some English text and a video of Lilli's running contacts on the A-frame in the end of the post) Glad Luciamorgon på er alla!  Kan det bli mer stämningsfullt med -15 grader, musikhjälpen, Lucia på TV, lyckade lussekatter, brända pepparkakor… och i kväll åker jag […]

Lotushallen skänker pris till Musikhjälpen!

[[{”fid”:”2503″,”view_mode”:”default”,”type”:”media”,”attributes”:{”height”:272,”width”:185,”class”:”media-element file-default”}}]] Jag kan nu stolt presentera att Lotushallen skänker FEM TRÄNINGSTIMMAR till Hundsportens insamling till Musikhjälpen! Nu i december bjuder vi alla kunder som kommer hit på glögg och pepparkakor, så du som vinner; passa på att boka tid i december så får du lite extra julstämning på köpet! För att skänka pengar och […]

Musikhjälpen, bönder i stan & pepparkakans dag

[[{”fid”:”2496″,”view_mode”:”default”,”type”:”media”,”attributes”:{”height”:347,”width”:520,”style”:”float: left; width: 320px; height: 214px; ”,”class”:”media-element file-default”}}]] Nu är det äntligen dags igen! Dags för årets upplaga av Musikhjälpen i p3. Det har blivit en tradition som har växt för varje år sedan första upplagan, 2004. Förra året startade Anna Pettersson en tradition i traditionen, att hundsverige tillsammans samlar in så mycket pengar vi […]

Running Contacts & Boråsbesök

In the end of the post you will find some English text and the video of Lilli's runnig contacts. I onsdags åkte jag till Borås för att hälsa på familjen och gå på julshow, jag tror att det blev de intensivaste och mest förvirrade 48 timmarna på länge. Jag startade kl 04.00 på onsdagsmorgonen för […]

Course map from Top Team

We have winter in Sweden now. I love it. The temperature is just some perfect -10 to -5 and it's clean, light, and nice! The snow gives me energy and a good mood, I have been training herding and I have walked the dogs in the middle of the night. All neighbors sleeping and the […]

Finland Top Team

[[{”fid”:”2475″,”view_mode”:”default”,”type”:”media”,”attributes”:{”height”:420,”width”:560,”style”:”border-top-width: 0px; border-right-width: 0px; border-bottom-width: 0px; border-left-width: 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; cursor: default; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; width: 560px; height: 420px; ”,”alt”:”ATT Arena in Åbo, Turku”,”class”:”media-element file-default”}}]] ATT-Arena in Turku (Åbo), Finland The first Top Team-camp is now over. I'm pleased with the training and I hope all people and dogs were the same. […]

Running home…

…from the restaurant! Yes, me and Anu actually did run from door to door. 2,5 kms in the snow. And it was not because we didn't pay the bill ;o) but because we were so inspired by the physics coach of Top Team, Jerry ;o). It was a bit strange jogging through the city with […]

Finland Top Team & X-mas pre-start

  The week is coming to its end and I'm pretty pleased with it. Except that I wrote a blog spot last night and when I had finished it everything disappeared. It's a bit annoying when things like that happen and I (or Joakim…) then remind myself it would be a good idea to copy […]

Welcome to my new website!

I have now a new website and blog that will be updated regulraly. I'm really inspired and I hope you all will have a nice time when you visit my side! My blog will be written in both English and Swedish, depending on my mode  You will find a webshop for the things I sell, […]

PM Lotuscupen

    PM för Lotuscupen lördagen den 10 november 2012   Vi hälsar er alla hjärtligt välkomna till Lotushallens inofficiella agilitytävling. Anmäl dig när du kommer! Anmälan kl. 7.45 – 9.00. Ni som kommer efter 9.00 kan anmäla er i cafeterian.   Domare: Nils Lindqvist Banvandringen börjar kl. 08.40 och sker separat inför varje klass och storleksgrupp Första start […]

Inbjudan till Lotuscupen 2012!

    Inbjudan till inofficiell agilitytävling – Lotuscupen Lotus Education i samarbete med Boslätts Lantbruk & Hässleholm HU hälsar alla ännu en gång välkomna till vår populära inoff agilitytävling i Lotushallen den 10 november 2012!   Vi kommer att ha två agilityklasser och en hoppklass, alla storlekar. Domare: Nils Lindqvist.   Vi kommer att ha prisutdelning med riktigt fina priser […]