Fuck Cancer – Agilitytävling

The text will follow in English! Den 29 augusti anordnar GMBK en "FUCK CANCER"-agilitytävling! Tävlingen är till förmån för föreningen Ung Cancer och jag tycker att det är ett fantastiskt bra initiativ! Det finns alldeles för många i vår närhet som drabbas av cancer och det känns bra att kunna göra något. Tyvärr kan jag inte själv vara med och […]

Road trip 2013 & course design analysis

Our European tour has almost come to it's end. We are on our way home after a three weeks long trip. It almost feels like several months but it has "only" been three weeks… 🙂 The trip started with me and Lilli missing the train to a seminar in Germany. Again I was guessing time […]

Summer Camps and Europa Tour

[[{”fid”:”2804″,”view_mode”:”default”,”type”:”media”,”attributes”:{”height”:375,”width”:560,”class”:”media-element file-default”}}]] Ice cream time! [[{”fid”:”2805″,”view_mode”:”default”,”type”:”media”,”attributes”:{”height”:375,”width”:560,”class”:”media-element file-default”}}]] Catja in a serious explanation… ;o) [[{”fid”:”2806″,”view_mode”:”default”,”type”:”media”,”attributes”:{”height”:375,”width”:560,”class”:”media-element file-default”}}]] Helena runs as hell and has a good head start to her dog in the tunnel! [[{”fid”:”2807″,”view_mode”:”default”,”type”:”media”,”attributes”:{”height”:375,”width”:560,”class”:”media-element file-default”}}]] Helena and Bilbo in action! There has been pretty much going on the last time! First of all the two first Summer […]

Team camp & The right way

Last weekend we had a team camp with some competition runs and some specific training. I just loved the courses, you needed to trust your dog and to run, lot of different challenges and all of them had a nice flow. Thank you Andreas Silfverberg for perfcet courses!! 🙂 Men and my dogs did pretty […]

Video – All clear rounds!

Last week we were in Varberg for a night trial. It was a tricky jumping course with a lot of turns and all our four dogs did really well. 4/4 clear rounds and Lilli won! It was her second class 3 start so I was pleased :). She is just awesome to run, that little […]

Midsummer & good news

[[{”fid”:”2798″,”view_mode”:”default”,”type”:”media”,”attributes”:{”height”:315,”width”:560,”alt”:”Jenny Damm agility SM 2013″,”class”:”media-element file-default”}}]] Video with all our runs from the Swedish Agility Championship Yes! We made it! After all that has happend in my life the latest, I'm very pleased with last weekends Swedish Championship. In the end Ogin got a silver medal so now all my dogs has one or more […]

See you later Gemma

  Yesterday it was time for Gemmas funeral. It was a really, really hard and sad day but at the same time it was beautiful. All the people that Gemma loved and who loved her were there together, we spend time together, talked about and remembered Gemma as the totally amazing woman she was. Birgitta, […]

Video update, birthday and Ribe

The last two weekends has been great for Lilli! She has won several classes, qualified for both jumping 2, agility 2, jumping 3 AND she have also had her 2 years-birthday! She's just a great little dog and she is doing so well at the trials. Of course there are lots of situations to experience […]

A strange weekend & the green Island

Since 1999 I have qualified for the Swedish national team. I have been through all different systems for qualifying; selections, different point systems, one weekend, two weekends, three weekends, The Swedish championship included, the Swedish championship not included, indoor, outdoor, rain, hot weather, mud, slippery carpet, grass, good flooring, four different dogs, one dog, several […]

One angel less on earth…

[[{”fid”:”2748″,”view_mode”:”default”,”type”:”media”,”attributes”:{”height”:420,”width”:560,”class”:”media-element file-default”}}]] Gemma, Lotus and Olga. Three angels that are watching over us. We will always miss you. Life can change in one second. It can turn up side down from one minute to the other. It can be so unfair and cruel that you think what's the point of this, what's the meaning of […]

Lilli video!

[[{”fid”:”2746″,”view_mode”:”default”,”type”:”media”,”attributes”:{”height”:427,”width”:560,”class”:”media-element file-default”}}]] In Sweden we have pretty often separated classes, so one day can be for example only class 1, class 3, 2 & 3 etc. That's a bit boring when you have dogs in different classes because you have to choose which one will compete. But this weekend is pretty good, Lilli could compete […]

Miss Lilli on course!

[[{”fid”:”2739″,”view_mode”:”default”,”type”:”media”,”attributes”:{”height”:420,”width”:560,”class”:”media-element file-default”}}]] Today we have been to a competition in Kalmar, a city on the Swedish east coast. This was my first outdoor competition for this year and it was just great to run on grass, in the sunshine again! Finally the spring has arrived, today! On Friday I had a seminar day here on […]

Lilli’s debut

Two moths ago we got the idea to maybe enter Lilli to the open classes during a big three days easter competition. We were thinking a bit and then we decided to enter her and see how she was doing with everything closer to the trial. One and a half month ago we started to […]

Finland Top Team – Meeting 3

Back in Sweden again, after the third Top Team training in Mumin-winter-land. We have almost no snow at home and we had some nice 5-10 degrees before I left. I forgot both winter boots and pants and when I arrived in Finland and realised it was still winter there. Lots of snow and really cold! […]

Tips om bra hund!

Här kommer ett tips för dig som inte vill/kan ha en valp utan letar efter en bra hund att börja träna NU! Det är min kompis och webmaster Joakim som har tipsat om sin grannes hund. Joakim har ett väldigt kritiskt öga, så om han säger att det är en bra hund så är det […]

Ester på intensivkurs

  Veckan började med att mamma och lilla Ester kom hit och hälsade på. Uppdrag "Träna överglad terrier" var det huvudsakliga syftet med besöket… Ja, Ester är ju en helt bedårande och rolig liten hund, verkligen en av de trevligaste terrier man kan tänka sig. Hon älskar allt och alla och har energi för 100, minst. Och […]

Beach time

This will be a photo blog from nice walks in the last weeks. On Monday, I went to a sunny beach with Ogin, Zaa and Lilli. Little bit cold water maybe but we really enjoyed it! It's interesting to see in the pictures how the spring is approaching! Latest pictures are at the top. [[{”fid”:”2700″,”view_mode”:”default”,”type”:”media”,”attributes”:{”height”:420,”width”:560,”class”:”media-element […]

Greetings from around the world!

I got an email from Fabienne Thines in Luxembourg. She is in the organization of the International Wintercup 2012-2013 and she asked me if I wanted to send a video greeting for the final. Of course, what a great idea! So my friend and student Elin Fahlgren helped me to film my and Ogin's Good Luck-greeting […]

Japan memory!

Here is a video from our seminar days in Japan, earlier this year. It's a really great memory and interesting to see it from another point of view. So much fun, so many nice people and good dogs! Thanks again! [[{”fid”:”2673″,”view_mode”:”default”,”type”:”media”,”attributes”:{”height”:315,”width”:560,”alt”:”Zeljko&Jenny AgilitySeminar 2013 in NAGATA”,”class”:”media-element file-default”}}]]